Two unidentified soldiers on Friday forcefully removed the veil popularly referred to as Niqab of a Muslim woman at Meran Area of Lagos. It was gathered the woman was going peacefully when two soldiers stopped and began to allegedly harass her. According to an eyewitness, identified as Adetutu, it took the intervention of passers-by and sympathisers for the Muslim woman to get her veil back. Apart from the removal veil on Friday, two images had earlier been sighted separately at Ibadan. One of the images sited and allegedly signed by 'Federal Government' at University College Hospital, Ibadan read,"Wearing of long hijab is prohibited in government establishment for security reasons". It will be recalled that this is happening few weeks to the comment that Federal Government may ban Hijab by President Muhammadu Buhari. President Buhari while commenting on the continued blasts in the North-East during his maiden medi...
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