Last Friday, Fox News's online show Spirited Debate hosted by Lauren Green conducted an interview with religious scholar Reza Aslan, a professor of religion, about his new book Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth. Surprisingly, Aslan subsequently spent the entire interview defending his right of a religious scholar who happened to be a Muslim to write a historical book about Jesus. The interview is now been described by many viewers as unfair, unprofessional and bias. This is because Green had interviewed a professor from a university affiliated with Southern Baptists but never asked him why he wrote a book about Islam two years earlier. Near the end of the interview, Green accused Aslan of hiding an inherent bias by not disclosing his faith background while discussing Christianity in his new book as well as in other interviews. Aslan immediately countered that the second page of his book mentioned he was Muslim, and cited the countless television and print ...
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