As I kept on reading reactions on the recent video shared by Boko Haram on a whatsApp group,Custodian of Information-I frowned, smiled and went on ruminating on the way forward. It gladdens the heart to see dialogues on how to clear misconceptions about Islam. To start with, a brother wrote "Boko Haram is committing atrocities in the name of Islam and National Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, NSCIA is keeping mum. They are not proactive at all..." Let us assume they have forgotten their objectives-it is time for us to wake them from their slumber. The Council was estabished to cater for; preserve, protect, promote and advance the interests of Islam and the Muslims throughout Nigeria. We must make them play their role on every issues affecting Islam. We must read, write and spread all the positive things we know about Islam. Islam is Peace, it doesn't teach terrorism. We must write and make Boko Haram read and understand that Islam promotes the seeking of knowle...
...reaching out to attract ideas!